
Top Essential Oils for Skin that you Should Never Ignore gif maker 3

How many face creams and treatments have you used throughout the years? What’s worse, do you really know what is in those products? Let’s call it a hunch and say, most of them are harmful to your skin and not no way near natural.

So, what if you go all-natural and improve your skin at the same time? This is why you might need to switch your preference to essential oils. So, here are some of the best essential oils that you should definitely try out.

Essential oils to promote anti-ageing, glowing skin, skin lifting/tightening and reduce wrinkles

1. Rose Oil gif maker 4

Rose oil is one of the most expensive essential oils out there in the world that promotes overall skin health. If you visit a spa such as Maison Spa you can have a rejuvenating face massage with rose oil that contains antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

This oil will not only make your skin glow but will make sure that your skin doesn’t get premature wrinkling.

2. Sandalwood Oil gif maker 5

Sandalwood has had a special place in Ayurvedic healing since ancient times thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties

Sandalwood is not just renowned for its properties that make your skin glow or its unbelievable aroma. It has been also proven to be effective for healing eczema, warts, psoriasis, acne, etc.

So, next time when you are opting for a Dubai home massage, don’t forget to try out Sandalwood oil.

3. Carrot seed oil gif maker 6

Right off the bat, you can recognize carrot seed oil by its amber-colored appearance. It acts as a sunblock, fights dry, matured or wrinkled skin. However, the carrot seed oil is excellent for oily skin as well. If you notice you have cracked skin during the winter, Maison Spa can get you pampered while you kiss your dull and tired skin goodbye with an essential oil massage that contains carrot seed oil.

4. Lavender oil gif maker 7

Are you ruminating about getting rid of dry and aging skin? Then applying a bit of Lavender oil can make your troubles go away.

Lavender oil blocks the bacteria from penetrating your skin and causing infections. Hence, this antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial oil are known to be one of the best natural remedies for acne.

If you are visiting a spa or getting a Dubai home massage, let them know your preference with this oil. It will not only clear your skin but will make your appointment serene.

5. Tea tree oil gif maker 8

If you have oily and rather sensitive skin, tea tree oil might be your best bet. You might have come across the benzoyl peroxide treatment that is oftentimes given to acne patients. If yes, tea tree oil is as effective as this treatment sans the harsh side effects.

Just like Lavender oil, Tea tree oil has antifungal and antibacterial qualities. So, you can use this oil when you are having a Dubai home massage to rapidly and naturally repair your skin while soothing and cleansing it without wasting your money on harsh chemicals that will further ruin your skin.

6. Lemongrass oil

Lemongrass oil has detoxifying and regenerative qualities that can drastically improve the radiance of your skin. This essential oil is native to India and Sri Lanka and it can fight the bacterial or microbial growth on your skin further improving the health of your overall appearance. Moreover, it can be used as an astringent, fungicidal and a powerful way to reduce pores.

7. Frankincense Oil

Our last pick is Frankincense Oil which is one of the best essential oils that makes your skin retain its elasticity. Not to mention, this essential oil protects the skin against harmful bacteria, reduces wrinkles while lifting, tightening up and toning your skin.

Studies suggest that Frankincense Oil has anti-inflammatory properties, supports tissue growth, and prevents inflammation.

Moreover, if you have stretch marks on your skin, and if it bothers you too much, you can have a soothing massage from Maison spa and reduce the appearance of the stretch marks and scars on your skin.

Wrapping Up

There are many other essential oils out there that have tremendous benefits to the skin, but these are some of the best. So, if you fancy reaching for Maison spa, you can have a pre-eminent essential oil massage and replenish your skin, body and mind.


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